All right, you've been patient. Here are the essentials of what you need to know about WHAT Search Engine Optimization is all about and then I'll get to the "HOW TO's" in just a minute. Let's walk before sprinting into uncharted territory. There would be no online business owner that would not want to have more and more traffic to his/her website. This has lead to the SEO tips becoming extremely popular. Using the various SEO tips you can actually bring your website to top rankings in many of the popular search engine listings. When your websites is listed in top of the search engine [[|rankings]] you get hits on your websites which results in sales and sales then results in profits. What's this mysterious "black hat" SEO strategies? Is it the latest fashion trend? No it's not a fashion trend at all. Should I do it? Does it work with the SE's or is it just a waste of time? The answer to these questions depend upon who you are talking to. Many employ these strategies and continue to do so today. (Image: [[|]])Important note: If you choose multiple keywords, [[|Pinterest]] make sure your keywords do not belong to different niches. They should belong to the same niche. Otherwise, search engines would be confused what your website is all about. Makes sense right? Therefore, article marketing is one of the best way to give you long term traffic. You get traffic from the articles AND the search engines month after month. SEO news Keywords - This word is the key to successful business marketing. Initially, when internet marketing was the latest trend, single keywords were used and yielded results too. But today people use phrases to make a search. Watch out the trends in the analytics to find the popular ones. Google have solved more than half of our problems by placing quality instruction materials in their websites under the webmaster tools. Even with that, they still reserve a lot of Search Engine Optimization tips for you. In case you have no account on Google, I employ you to sign up today so that you would be exposed to these information. The reason why Google put these SEO tactics into play is not only because they want you to make more money. Just remember that this internet business is a Win-Win situation. You make money and Google also makes money.